impression of my experienceI am grateful for the inclusion of God and every lesson in knowing God that I can while staying in the N until recently. When considering these things, can be felt that God wanted something beautiful in my personal life for His glory. Grateful for any warning from God because of His love.I have some very interesting personal experiences. Several times I have personally given the opportunity to know better the N people who have religious backgrounds A. Of invited the streets, visiting their homes, up to the discussions together. One time I was invited by Mr. Bus for a walk because it happened to be no activity on campus. We visited the area in the city center, with a one-time ride the bus from campus to city parks. He took me to ancient areas in the city. We also briefly stopped by the house of a friend (B religions as well). This opportunity is very valuable for me to get a close look at their lives, their beliefs, in addition to observing the condition of those original homes are still ancient N. I was also presented with the goods as a sign of blessing. Because it is a part of the culture, I also do not think all kinds, even though these items were previously used to worship their gods. After that we went to the house of Pak bus and be there for a long time, I also use the opportunity to get to know families Pak Bus. Their families are middle class. The house was quite large and nicely arranged, some of the rooms downstairs are also rented to families. While enjoying the food typical of N, I can enjoy a relationship with this family without any suspicion about the presence of specific intentions behind it. I am grateful to be able to build relationships with and continue to encourage these families to build a heart for people who are lost. Now I'm thinking to arrange my schedule because Mr. Bis invited to dinner at his home. I never thought there will be an opportunity like this.On another occasion when he was relaxing in the lounge at the Ministry, Mr. Bus came to me and invite conversation. Because time is free time, so I can chat with him long enough while waiting. Without me knowing he took me to a discussion of "true peace". Indeed it was he who started the discussion about what can make peace in this world. We see that everybody can understand each other, understand each other happy then peace can be established although there are still other factors that need to be seen. Mr. Bus argue if everyone else in this world have a religion and worship the one God, then we agree with the title "Super God". He was very interested at all with this.I saw her thirst to find the truth, true peace. It made me excited to continue the discussion. If among all the god and Goddess are worshiped by person A, person B, person C, one D, one E, and others, there is a "Super God" then it would be nice if all worship to Him. These tentative conclusions that we get. At that time our discussions stalled because the people we waiting had arrived. I invite Mr. Bus for other times can continue our discussion, and it turns out he was interested. A new lesson I learned, to introduce people to Christ, I do not need to impose a knowledge and doctrine. But more invites together to find the truth and true peace so as to make him feel that I am also looking for the truth, both looking for "Super God" is. I see that Mr. Bis happy with this. I wanted to start praying for Pak bus and handed it over to the Holy Spirit to work. There are still many people who are hungry for God's love is true.One time another friend of one Ministry, Mr Ram, took me to the streets in the same area in the center of town, in areas of old-fashioned. And then there are festivals held. There is a statue that is placed on a train with a towering roof. The train is pulled by the crowd and paraded around the ancient city in the middle of the city until finally stopped at a place which was all in white as well. All the people who come from other places and the people around him, throwing their money into this train to give offerings. Then the priests and the people on the train threw flowers as a sign of blessing from the statue. They believe this as a way to seek prosperity and knowledge. I was invited to continue to follow this train where he walked and was given by Mr. Ram pennies to throw me into the wagon. Without thinking about all kinds and so he was not disappointed, I threw it into the cart and then from the train of people threw flowers and we had to catch. I did not catch it. Mr. Ram capture rate is then put on his head as a sign of blessing. He also put flowers on my head. I also do not think all kinds, please put it in my head, but I still keep the conscience by praying for the people around me and Mr. Ram. I see a lot of people who come and perform this ritual. When he saw a crowd of many people doing this, I remember that they're walking into perdition. Maybe it looked like they laugh, happy, dancing, but their life is empty. I think how I could convey the truth to many people. I do not know and I just pray. They were like sheep without a shepherd.Then I was invited by Mr. Ram to his home. Entering the halls beneath the building. Through the village people to lower middle class. This area includes the area of the history of ancient kingdoms N. Passing through the narrow streets. A small house, level, old models, coincide with each other houses and very little light from outside. The ceiling of the lower house and a small door that makes us have to bend if the entry. Mr. Ram family including the family down to the middle. But I am grateful to be able to enjoy time together with this family. They accepted me and feel good. I am grateful for the opportunity to visit the house of Mr Ram, met with the wives and their children. Time to go home, I was ushered into the public transport stops and turns out quite far too, dam we had to go back through the streets earlier. On the way I wanted to take photos of the statue. When finished taking photos, Mr. Ram asked me to go and worship the statue. At that time I thought just wanted to look inside and see how they worship.To get into this place, I had to remove shoes because the material is made of leather, and this is prohibited. I was asked to not speak English, and remain silent, if anyone asks, I may only be answered by using body language. I went inside and felt something quite strange as well. Mr. Ram asked me to give coins as an offering and placed it in front of the statue. Requests Mr. Ram is enough to make me confused. The people around me to pray while I just stay quiet and look around until Mr. Ram finished and asked me out. Outside the temple I had confused the particular problem of conscience for giving the money. I continue to pray that God may purify my conscience. I just struggle with that. Have not finished thinking about it, I was invited to again enter into a place that was quite famous statue in the middle of town. But I refuse.Finished praying, he asked me why I did not enter. He said, once when she into the Philippines, he was also the church and not see it as a problem. I do not know how to explain it. I do have reasons to build a relationship with him, but I have enough trouble to explain it. I apologize to him and give reasons if accepted by him without entering a knowledge-spiritual knowledge. A few days after that he also asked me to do a day of worship on a hill high enough during a full moon. I thank God for this opportunity, and wrestled in conscience. I remember my previous job where I was able to get into the mosques, madrassas, to sit down and talk with "them" without suspicion.One time I was given the opportunity to work with a faculty member in the Department of Engineering, Sir Reg. When checking the job together, it turns out the job can not be done right away. But it turns out it is a valuable opportunity where I can chat with Mr Reg (religion B). Our discussion of true satisfaction. He saw that it was not money that satisfying, not satisfying many wives, not the other.This month is a time-semester final exam period, so not much activity on campus and she was bored. He thought that he would be satisfied if you have a lot of work. I told him that if we are satisfied with God, then we can be satisfied with all things. I'm still learning how to explain it with the English language he could understand. But I thank God for having the opportunity to share it. I see that there are many people who are hungry for real satisfaction.When I went to college I was reminded by one song.
Each day I found the lost
Life is uncertain direction
In their laughter stored grief
But God heard their cries
Reff. They need (2x)
Jesus' great love `s like an answer
They need (2x)
Do not you realize He's real love?
They need
Every day see people who do worship but do not know which way they walk, they do not know, what their purpose. Without them knowing they were walking toward perdition. They were like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:34). If the thought of those who worship the statue that they made themselves, bathing the statue, worship stones that can not be anything, all is vanity. Once upon a time we walked from the house of Mr Samuel to the campus together neighbors Mr. Samuel. Almost every street corner we stopped briefly because he did worship the statue or even the stones are considered to be god for him, does he believe. But unfortunately life how he had, everything was blinded. I learn from Jesus who has mercy and pray for them, and began distributing the truth.One time we were with the family where we stayed for dinner (as usual). It is an experience where we can share about Christ. Incidentally while I was wearing gloves. And from talking about gloves, talks slowly down to family life, husband and wife. We discuss the role of men and women in the context of biblical and general views of various religions come to an explanation of the creation (in Genesis). Indeed, for us this is something that is difficult to be explained very well, easy to talk but practice hard, we realized that we had not experienced that. But we are grateful to convey that the relationship of husband and wife is an analogy of the relationship between Christ and the church (in Ephesians). Point that we continue to pray for is to share the gospel and strengthen this family.These days I am grateful to enjoy the valuable experience of the purpose of God in my life, God's will in this project, and continue to learn to be patient waiting for God. Seeing everything from eyeglasses God often makes me not be patient because of personal desire, the offers that appear, and others. But when it continues to draw near to God, cleave to God, God continues to help to stay afloat in what is his plan. Now is how to continue to see, not about me but about what God wants (The Purpose Driven Life).Back considering going all the promises of God that have been held so far, has helped me to go back believe in God in all things.This development Us:We are grateful for the new activities undertaken by Ariadin in Soil Lab in helping students S2 retrieve data for their thesis. In addition to increasing knowledge about the world of Civil Engineering, Ariadin also be the opportunity to build deeper relationships with friends college students S2, because practically at least 6 hours a day they were always together. Once upon a time in their conversation, Ariadin have the opportunity to share his belief in salvation, accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. Thank God for that.For Chester, activity in the Lab. Thermodynamics had been completed. Now he is waiting for scheduled activities in the Lab. Instruments to prepare for next semester practical work. The teaching staff is still busy so can not be started. In one month he was facing the end of semester exams so still busy with activity test. Sometimes it can also participate to keep the test if invited by friends of the staff, looking at systems that are used. During this time he was still a lot of help in the Lab. Computers in nursing. While continuing to pursue personal activities are effective, so do not experience boredom, offered to help, relearn books courses in Mechanical Engineering or other things.We also have the opportunity to see the project work of one of the International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs) of the United States, in the field of education. Thank God for that.N ProgressThese days it is still sensitive. It just happened that strike action in education (educational strike), many schools are closed. This action occurs as a form of protest to the government because of the shootings to students in one school by the soldiers. Action soldiers or policemen are sometimes quite hard. I never look directly at a festival in the middle of town, how the police beat people with sticks and there is chaos. Security conditions have improved, there is no examination as before. In the city, the influence of the Maoists do not feel, like in other villages or regions.

Coba sesuatu yang baru Jangan pernah takut untuk mencoba, karena segala sesuatu hal berawal dari mencoba sampai akhirnya Anda sendiri yang menilai apakah Anda sudah mampu dalam bidang tersebut atau belum. Selain itu, dengan banyak mencoba Anda akan semakin tertempa untuk mampu menyelesaikan segala macam masalah yang Anda hadapi dalam bidang tersebut.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
Education Discrimination
Taste-taste flavor muakku already reached the peak.
After reading the rubric of Humanities at harianKompas edition today, I became increasingly jengkelsaja with the policy of the education system in Indonesia, who have increasingly ugly old only. Lately rubric Humanities Compass did a lot of highlights on the condition of education in Indonesia. Beginning with the news about good ideas from one head of RW in one village in the Sala Three of the creative to create an alternative school for junior high school students with the concept of opening schools up to the madness may be more accurately called the government's ignorance about the design of a new education path system .
In this new system of education that the government will divide the line into two channels of education, namely formal and formal standards independent. Distribution of this pathway is based on differences in students' academic ability and financial. Formal self-cater for students who are academically and financially established. While the formal standard is for students who are financially less can be said not even afford.
In other words the formal path is the path for students independently wealthy while the standard formal path is the path for poor students. Ridiculous indeed. I could not figure out until he could boxed-boxing education based fianansial level of the learner. In this case, the government argues that the formal independence will provide scholarships for students who are less capable poor to study engineering at this point. The question now is how many scholarships provided sich?.
The government itself states that at least there will be five percent of poor students who attend school in every school which conducts formal independent. I think this is also one of the other forms of ignorance. Try and imagine if there was a poor student who obtained a scholarship to attend formal postscript independent school where students are rich. Are not these conditions actually make this poor students into inferior and low self-esteem. When his friends always wore a starched uniform is clean and neatly by using the softening and perfuming clothing while the poor student is only able to wear a uniform, aka former hibahan from neighbors, would not these conditions actually make this poor student becomes the object of a spectacle for rich students ?
Is the distribution of this educational path is one of the missions of government in an effort to achieve the life of the nation?
I think education is the only way for our nation to keep pace with other nations. I just salute the government of Cambodia and Thailand are slowly taking shape itself by focusing on educating its citizens. Both these countries began to pioneer free education for its citizens. The Cambodian government itself began to divert nineteen percent of the total budget which is usually used as a military budgets to support educational development.
So like where the vision and mission of education in Indonesia? Want to be taken to where the education in our country? Does education have become merchandise that will produce outputan form of a certificate and diploma instead of analytical expertise and resources? And if education and rights only belong to rich people only?
Is it the poor people are prohibited from school?
After reading the rubric of Humanities at harianKompas edition today, I became increasingly jengkelsaja with the policy of the education system in Indonesia, who have increasingly ugly old only. Lately rubric Humanities Compass did a lot of highlights on the condition of education in Indonesia. Beginning with the news about good ideas from one head of RW in one village in the Sala Three of the creative to create an alternative school for junior high school students with the concept of opening schools up to the madness may be more accurately called the government's ignorance about the design of a new education path system .
In this new system of education that the government will divide the line into two channels of education, namely formal and formal standards independent. Distribution of this pathway is based on differences in students' academic ability and financial. Formal self-cater for students who are academically and financially established. While the formal standard is for students who are financially less can be said not even afford.
In other words the formal path is the path for students independently wealthy while the standard formal path is the path for poor students. Ridiculous indeed. I could not figure out until he could boxed-boxing education based fianansial level of the learner. In this case, the government argues that the formal independence will provide scholarships for students who are less capable poor to study engineering at this point. The question now is how many scholarships provided sich?.
The government itself states that at least there will be five percent of poor students who attend school in every school which conducts formal independent. I think this is also one of the other forms of ignorance. Try and imagine if there was a poor student who obtained a scholarship to attend formal postscript independent school where students are rich. Are not these conditions actually make this poor students into inferior and low self-esteem. When his friends always wore a starched uniform is clean and neatly by using the softening and perfuming clothing while the poor student is only able to wear a uniform, aka former hibahan from neighbors, would not these conditions actually make this poor student becomes the object of a spectacle for rich students ?
Is the distribution of this educational path is one of the missions of government in an effort to achieve the life of the nation?
I think education is the only way for our nation to keep pace with other nations. I just salute the government of Cambodia and Thailand are slowly taking shape itself by focusing on educating its citizens. Both these countries began to pioneer free education for its citizens. The Cambodian government itself began to divert nineteen percent of the total budget which is usually used as a military budgets to support educational development.
So like where the vision and mission of education in Indonesia? Want to be taken to where the education in our country? Does education have become merchandise that will produce outputan form of a certificate and diploma instead of analytical expertise and resources? And if education and rights only belong to rich people only?
Is it the poor people are prohibited from school?
Diskriminasi Pendidikan
Diambil dari pendidikanmurah
Rasa-rasanya rasa muakku sudah sampai pada puncaknya.
Setelah membaca rubrik Humaniora di harianKompas edisi hari ini, aku menjadi semakin jengkelsaja dengan kebijakan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia yang kian lama kian wagu saja. Akhir-akhir ini rubrik Humaniora Kompas memang banyak menyoroti tentang kondisi pendidikan di Indonesia. Diawali dengan pemberitaan mengenai ide cemerlang dari salah seorang ketua RW di salah satu desa di Sala Tiga yang dengan kreatifnya menggagas sebuah sekolah alternatif untuk siswa SLTP dengan konsep sekolah terbukanya sampai pada kegilaan mungkin lebih tepat jika disebut kebodohan dari pemerintah mengenai rancangan sistem jalur pendidikan yang baru.
Dalam sistem pendidikan yang baru ini pemerintah akan membagi jalur pendidikan menjadi dua jalur besar, yaitu jalur formal standar dan jalur formal mandiri. Pembagian jalur ini berdasarkan perbedaan kemampuan akademik dan finansial siswa. Jalur formal mandiri diperuntukkan bagi siswa yang mapan secara akademik maupun finansial. Sedangkan jalur formal standar diperuntukkan bagi siswa yang secara finansial bisa dikatakan kurang bahkan tidak mampu.
Dengan kata lain jalur formal mandiri adalah jalur bagi siswa kaya sedangkan jalur formal standar adalah jalur bagi siswa miskin. Konyol memang. Aku sampai tidak habis pikir bisa-bisanya pendidikan dikotak-kotakkan berdasarkan tingkat fianansial dari peserta didik. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah berdalih bahwa pada jalur formal mandiri akan disediakan beasiswa bagi siswa yang kurang mampu miskin agar dapat menuntut ilmu pada jalur ini. Yang jadi pertanyaan sekarang adalah Berapa banyak sich beasiswa yang disediakan?.
Pemerintah sendiri menyatakan bahwa setidaknya akan ada lima persen siswa miskin yang bersekolah di setiap sekolah yang menyelenggarakan jalur formal mandiri. Menurut ku ini juga merupakan salah satu bentuk kebodohan yang lain. Coba saja kita bayangkan seandainya ada seorang siswa miskin yang memperoleh beasiswa untuk bersekolah di jalur formal mandiri yang nota bene tempat sekolahnya siswa kaya. Bukankah kondisi seperti ini malah menjadikan siswa miskin ini menjadi minder dan rendah diri. Ketika teman-temannya selalu mengenakan seragam yang bersih dan tersetrika dengan rapi dengan menggunakan pelembut dan pewangi pakaian sedangakan siswa miskin ini hanya mampu mengenakan seragam bekas alias hibahan dari tetangganya, bukankah kondisi seperti ini malah menjadikan siswa miskin ini menjadi objek tontonan bagi siswa-siswa kaya?
Apakah pembagian jalur pendidikan ini merupakan salah satu misi pemerintah dalam upaya mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa?
Menurutku, pendidikan adalah satu-satunya jalan bagi bangsa kita dalam mengejar ketertinggalan dengan bangsa lain. Aku cukup salut dengan pemerintah Kamboja dan Thailand yang mulai berbenah diri dengan berfokus pada pendidikan warga negaranya. Kedua negara ini mulai merintis pendidikan gratis bagi warga nya. Pemerintah Kamboja sendiri mulai mengalihkan sembilan belas persen dari total anggarannya yang biasanya digunakan sebagai angaran militer untuk mendukung pengembangan pendidikan.
Lantas bagai mana dengan visi dan misi pendidikan di Indonesia? Mau dibawa ke mana pendidikan di Negara kita? Apakah pendidikan sudah menjadi barang dagangan yang nantinya menghasilkan outputan berupa selembar sertifikat dan ijazah bukannya keahlian dan daya analitis? Dan apakah pendidikan hanya menjadi milik dan hak orang kaya saja?
Rasa-rasanya rasa muakku sudah sampai pada puncaknya.
Setelah membaca rubrik Humaniora di harianKompas edisi hari ini, aku menjadi semakin jengkelsaja dengan kebijakan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia yang kian lama kian wagu saja. Akhir-akhir ini rubrik Humaniora Kompas memang banyak menyoroti tentang kondisi pendidikan di Indonesia. Diawali dengan pemberitaan mengenai ide cemerlang dari salah seorang ketua RW di salah satu desa di Sala Tiga yang dengan kreatifnya menggagas sebuah sekolah alternatif untuk siswa SLTP dengan konsep sekolah terbukanya sampai pada kegilaan mungkin lebih tepat jika disebut kebodohan dari pemerintah mengenai rancangan sistem jalur pendidikan yang baru.
Dalam sistem pendidikan yang baru ini pemerintah akan membagi jalur pendidikan menjadi dua jalur besar, yaitu jalur formal standar dan jalur formal mandiri. Pembagian jalur ini berdasarkan perbedaan kemampuan akademik dan finansial siswa. Jalur formal mandiri diperuntukkan bagi siswa yang mapan secara akademik maupun finansial. Sedangkan jalur formal standar diperuntukkan bagi siswa yang secara finansial bisa dikatakan kurang bahkan tidak mampu.
Dengan kata lain jalur formal mandiri adalah jalur bagi siswa kaya sedangkan jalur formal standar adalah jalur bagi siswa miskin. Konyol memang. Aku sampai tidak habis pikir bisa-bisanya pendidikan dikotak-kotakkan berdasarkan tingkat fianansial dari peserta didik. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah berdalih bahwa pada jalur formal mandiri akan disediakan beasiswa bagi siswa yang kurang mampu miskin agar dapat menuntut ilmu pada jalur ini. Yang jadi pertanyaan sekarang adalah Berapa banyak sich beasiswa yang disediakan?.
Pemerintah sendiri menyatakan bahwa setidaknya akan ada lima persen siswa miskin yang bersekolah di setiap sekolah yang menyelenggarakan jalur formal mandiri. Menurut ku ini juga merupakan salah satu bentuk kebodohan yang lain. Coba saja kita bayangkan seandainya ada seorang siswa miskin yang memperoleh beasiswa untuk bersekolah di jalur formal mandiri yang nota bene tempat sekolahnya siswa kaya. Bukankah kondisi seperti ini malah menjadikan siswa miskin ini menjadi minder dan rendah diri. Ketika teman-temannya selalu mengenakan seragam yang bersih dan tersetrika dengan rapi dengan menggunakan pelembut dan pewangi pakaian sedangakan siswa miskin ini hanya mampu mengenakan seragam bekas alias hibahan dari tetangganya, bukankah kondisi seperti ini malah menjadikan siswa miskin ini menjadi objek tontonan bagi siswa-siswa kaya?
Apakah pembagian jalur pendidikan ini merupakan salah satu misi pemerintah dalam upaya mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa?
Menurutku, pendidikan adalah satu-satunya jalan bagi bangsa kita dalam mengejar ketertinggalan dengan bangsa lain. Aku cukup salut dengan pemerintah Kamboja dan Thailand yang mulai berbenah diri dengan berfokus pada pendidikan warga negaranya. Kedua negara ini mulai merintis pendidikan gratis bagi warga nya. Pemerintah Kamboja sendiri mulai mengalihkan sembilan belas persen dari total anggarannya yang biasanya digunakan sebagai angaran militer untuk mendukung pengembangan pendidikan.
Lantas bagai mana dengan visi dan misi pendidikan di Indonesia? Mau dibawa ke mana pendidikan di Negara kita? Apakah pendidikan sudah menjadi barang dagangan yang nantinya menghasilkan outputan berupa selembar sertifikat dan ijazah bukannya keahlian dan daya analitis? Dan apakah pendidikan hanya menjadi milik dan hak orang kaya saja?
nature education
What is the essence of education? Is the purpose to be achieved by educational institutions?
Rather sad look at current conditions. Educational institution no different than printing machines are like a diploma. To be sold, partly to give the lure: fast pass, equal status, to diplomas, absent loose, etc.. What can be expected from dry educational idealism like that. Ki Hajar Dewantoro probably going to cry see the current condition of education. It's no longer aimed at the intellectual life of the nation (as is still written in the Constitution 43, even!), But more like the old machines that emit a tough reliable product quality.
Education is more directed to prepare the workforce "labor" today. No longer a powerful thinkers who are ready to analyze the condition. Because the pattern of thought "labor" is, all kinds of hapalan crammed to the children themselves. And everything just by one word: diplomas! yes, diplomas, certificates, diplomas are required to seek employment. Very minimal idealism to change the condition of the nation that this messy, very minimal to teach philosophy of life, and was minimal also in moral teaching.
What should be the essence of education? I agree with the word intellectual life of the nation. But, it still must be translated again in the level of strategic / tactical. mencerdsakan said the nation has 3 components is of particular significance: (1) smart (2) life (3) nation.
(1) of the smartIntelligent it means to have knowledge that can be used to solve real problems. Intelligent does not mean memorized all subjects, but then stunned when I had to create solutions for real life. Meaningful intelligent creative and innovative. Intelligent means ready to apply their knowledge.
(2) about lifeLife is a blessing given by God as well as examination of him. Life is a philosophy to appreciate life and do things the best for life itself. Life is meant contemplate that one day we will die, and all our deeds will be accountable to Him. Be worthy of note, that the bodies of the living does not necessarily have a living soul. Could be, someone is still alive but his life is dead conscience as with snatainya he persecute others, to commit corruption, even when he was littering. Philosophy of life is very full of the meaning of individualism, which means lifting a person's life, humanizing a man, give it food of the spirit of life, moral values and life goals.
(3) of the nationMan other than an individual, he also is a social creature. He is an important component of an organism of society. The figure of the great individuals, but did not want anything to donate anything for the community, not being taught religion and education. Each individual had an obligation to disseminate knowledge to the community, working to increase the degree of glory surrounding community, and also plays an active role in community dynamics. Who are the people in question here? I agree that the society in question is the identity of the nation that characterize a society. The era of globalization is blurring national values, because everything feels close. During the Iraq war for instance, as if we could see Iraq in the house. But the thing is, whether we can actually play an active role for Iraq (in addition to prayer or action)? Active role we are charged to the surrounding community ... and who the people around? none other than the individual countrymen.
This bit of writing that I made the basic idea for what it is essence of true education.
Rather sad look at current conditions. Educational institution no different than printing machines are like a diploma. To be sold, partly to give the lure: fast pass, equal status, to diplomas, absent loose, etc.. What can be expected from dry educational idealism like that. Ki Hajar Dewantoro probably going to cry see the current condition of education. It's no longer aimed at the intellectual life of the nation (as is still written in the Constitution 43, even!), But more like the old machines that emit a tough reliable product quality.
Education is more directed to prepare the workforce "labor" today. No longer a powerful thinkers who are ready to analyze the condition. Because the pattern of thought "labor" is, all kinds of hapalan crammed to the children themselves. And everything just by one word: diplomas! yes, diplomas, certificates, diplomas are required to seek employment. Very minimal idealism to change the condition of the nation that this messy, very minimal to teach philosophy of life, and was minimal also in moral teaching.
What should be the essence of education? I agree with the word intellectual life of the nation. But, it still must be translated again in the level of strategic / tactical. mencerdsakan said the nation has 3 components is of particular significance: (1) smart (2) life (3) nation.
(1) of the smartIntelligent it means to have knowledge that can be used to solve real problems. Intelligent does not mean memorized all subjects, but then stunned when I had to create solutions for real life. Meaningful intelligent creative and innovative. Intelligent means ready to apply their knowledge.
(2) about lifeLife is a blessing given by God as well as examination of him. Life is a philosophy to appreciate life and do things the best for life itself. Life is meant contemplate that one day we will die, and all our deeds will be accountable to Him. Be worthy of note, that the bodies of the living does not necessarily have a living soul. Could be, someone is still alive but his life is dead conscience as with snatainya he persecute others, to commit corruption, even when he was littering. Philosophy of life is very full of the meaning of individualism, which means lifting a person's life, humanizing a man, give it food of the spirit of life, moral values and life goals.
(3) of the nationMan other than an individual, he also is a social creature. He is an important component of an organism of society. The figure of the great individuals, but did not want anything to donate anything for the community, not being taught religion and education. Each individual had an obligation to disseminate knowledge to the community, working to increase the degree of glory surrounding community, and also plays an active role in community dynamics. Who are the people in question here? I agree that the society in question is the identity of the nation that characterize a society. The era of globalization is blurring national values, because everything feels close. During the Iraq war for instance, as if we could see Iraq in the house. But the thing is, whether we can actually play an active role for Iraq (in addition to prayer or action)? Active role we are charged to the surrounding community ... and who the people around? none other than the individual countrymen.
This bit of writing that I made the basic idea for what it is essence of true education.
About Your Love
Quoted from: About Your Love
Archimedes and Newton would not understand berinduksi magnetic fields among us
Einstein and Edison was unable to formulate E = mc2 Ah not comparable with the moment of my love
The first time bayangmu fell right in my heart focused Real, upright, enlarged with a maximum lens strength
How appropriation of oil drops falling in empty space My love is bigger than Avogadro's number ...
Despite our distance like the sun and Pluto when the wave amplitude aphelium berinterfensi your heart with my heart
As beautiful as a perfect harmonic motion without restoring force How coupling force with infinite angular velocity
Mechanical energy by friction unstoppable love The potential energy of my love is not affected by the constant force
The kinetic energy of my love =-mv ~ Even the law of conservation of energy can not compete with the law of conservation of our
See our love is the law of love moments perpendicular to the moment of your love Make love us as a perfect equilibrium point with infinite inertia Never unwavering impulse or momentum force
This is the resultant momentum of our love
Archimedes and Newton would not understand berinduksi magnetic fields among us
Einstein and Edison was unable to formulate E = mc2 Ah not comparable with the moment of my love
The first time bayangmu fell right in my heart focused Real, upright, enlarged with a maximum lens strength
How appropriation of oil drops falling in empty space My love is bigger than Avogadro's number ...
Despite our distance like the sun and Pluto when the wave amplitude aphelium berinterfensi your heart with my heart
As beautiful as a perfect harmonic motion without restoring force How coupling force with infinite angular velocity
Mechanical energy by friction unstoppable love The potential energy of my love is not affected by the constant force
The kinetic energy of my love =-mv ~ Even the law of conservation of energy can not compete with the law of conservation of our
See our love is the law of love moments perpendicular to the moment of your love Make love us as a perfect equilibrium point with infinite inertia Never unwavering impulse or momentum force
This is the resultant momentum of our love
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